Michael Ballard
Michael Ballard is an emerging poet living in Tucson, Arizona.
The themes that obsess him—love, death, loss, regret, the fleeting nature of existence—are not new, of course, having been at the core of poetry since its beginnings. However, the gravity of the subject matter, Michael believes, should not require the woe-is-me type of verse one might typically expect.
His aim is to approach the most serious subjects, whenever possible, with humor and irony, all in an attempt to bring us closer to the weightiest of conundrums: what does it mean to be alive?

Photo: Makiko Tohmatsu
This poem was published in: The Tucson Dog magazine, September/October 2024.

Photo: Makiko Tohmatsu
Our dog has grown contemplative in her later years.
Each morning, she asks to go out onto the patio where,
with a labored sigh she eases her body onto the doggie bed
and looks out over the expanse of her domain.
I never had the heart to tell her she cannot claim it as her own
since it is a golf course. I suppose it doesn’t matter.
What she does not know will not harm her. Even the arthritic
stabs in her joints are forgotten once she is settled.
Her groans may resemble my complaints when I lower
myself onto the rocking chair next to her bed, but unlike
mine, hers do not chime with echoes of regret.
At least, I hope she is spared that burden.
If she could look back, would she say it was a life well-lived?
I’d like to think I did right by somebody. With my bare toes
I stroke her sleepy head as her yellow coat glows
under the warm light of the rising sun.
by Michael Ballard

Nature's Narrative
While Michael considers himself a poet of the page, he is open to expanding the potential of verse by
combining it, for example, with images created by contemporary artists. This NFT collection of twelve
pieces—one for each month of the year—merges Michael’s haiku with the art of Maria Faith Garcia.

Sunrise Welcome

Sunlight Showers

Shimmering Path

Moonlit Serenade

Breath of Winter's Veil

Silent Encounter

Reflections of Joy

Lunar Mosaic

Whispering Wings

Humid Embrace

Majestic Perch

Nature's Resilience
For any media inquiries, please contact Michael at michaelrwballard44@gmail.com